If you are a student who is working towards being part of the top tier wedding contractors in India, then one thing you need to start using is e-books. An e-book is an electronic format of a printed book. They can be found in many forms like pdf, EPUB or MOBI. Each format opens the book in a different type of gadget. For example, a mobi extension e-book is used in a Kindle, and a pdf can be opened in any device. The reason why e-books are invaluable tools is two-fold.
One they can be opened virtually anywhere, from a computer to a tablet to a mobile phone. This means you can start studying while you are travelling from college to home or home to internship. The second reason is when you do become a wedding planner; e-books will continuously be used to get new ideas for wedding decor or receptions layouts. If you are already comfortable using them, then you won’t have to learn a new skill while on the job. Plus, brides and groom have also started using the electronic versions of magazines to look for new concepts. Therefore, you have to be comfortable with the format a client uses.